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Nutrition in Memory Care: Can Diet Impact Dementia?

Food products representing the MIND diet created to slow dementia progression and the decline in brain health.

When it comes to caring for loved ones with dementia, one key aspect often overlooked is nutrition. We’ve all heard the saying “You are what you eat,” but can what’s on your plate really affect dementia progression? Research suggests that diet can impact dementia progression. A nutrient-rich diet helps support cognitive function, reduce inflammation, and […]

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Best Health Apps for Seniors

A senior sitting on their couch using an app on their phone to monitor their health and wellness.

Finding the right health apps can be helpful for seniors looking to stay active, organized, and healthy. Whether it’s managing medications, tracking fitness goals, or practicing mindfulness, there are apps designed to make life easier and more connected. Here are some top health apps seniors can use: These apps offer easy-to-use solutions to support both […]

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Questions to Ask When Touring Assisted Living Communities  

A new resident happily holds the keys to their new assisted living apartment.

To make the most of your visit, we encourage visitors to ask questions, which can help determine if the community aligns with your family’s values and expectations:
What level of care is provided?
What are staff qualifications?
What are the financial considerations?
What safety measures are in place for residents?
What opportunities exist for family involvement?

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Does Independent Living Include Meals?

A senior couple in their home smiling with paperwork while using their laptop to research independent living communities near them.

Independent living can be a fantastic choice for seniors looking to enjoy their senior years with freedom and peace of mind. It offers autonomy while giving access to community support, along with all kinds of services and amenities designed to make every day unique. However, there’s a question many people ask before their move—does independent […]

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Do Spouses Automatically Have Power of Attorney?

Mature couple dancing together in the kitchen.

Navigating the legal complexities of growing older can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to making decisions for your loved one. A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that grants an individual the authority to make decisions on behalf of another. Many individuals undergo this process of establishing a POA to make sure […]

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Top 5 Best Functional Exercises for Seniors

An older adult man planking on an exercise mat while looking at his laptop.

As we age, staying active becomes even more important for maintaining independence and a high quality of life. Functional exercises can help!  These exercises mimic everyday movements like picking up groceries or climbing stairs. They work multiple muscle groups at once, improving your strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Here are the top 5 functional exercises […]

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How Often Should You Visit a Parent in Memory Care

A middle-aged man giving a bouquet of flowers to his older adult mother during his visit.

Entering the realm of memory care can be a profound transition for both individuals experiencing memory loss and their families. A common question arises: “How often should I visit my family member in memory care?”  Deciding how often to visit a parent in memory care is a deeply personal matter that varies significantly from one […]

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