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How Long Do You Have to Wait to Get Into a Senior Living Community?

If you’re considering making a move into a retirement community, know that you’re not alone. Many Americans are reaching retirement age and choosing to live in independent and assisted living communities.  If you’re starting to think about senior living options, it’s essential to do in-depth research on where you’d like to live. Depending on where […]

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Independent Living vs. Assisted Living: What’s the Difference?

Seniors sitting around a table with friends enjoying tea and baked goods together

Choosing the Right Level of Care  If you’re thinking about making a transition to a retirement community, how do you determine the right level of care for your needs? Should you consider independent living or assisted living?  The average age in a retirement community is 84 years old, but age does not necessarily determine the […]

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What’s the Best Age to Move into Independent Living?

A mature couple with the husband's arm around his wife as they stand in a home kitchen

If you’re planning the next chapter of your life and considering a move, independent living may be the right fit for you. Upon the suggestion of a senior living community, some people immediately answer with “I’m not old enough for that!” If you feel resistant to the idea of an independent living community, it may […]

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